Gene Synthesis

Gene synthesis is a revolutionary technology. Unlike DNA replication in cells and amplification via PCR, gene synthesis does not require DNA templates to synthesize target gene sequences.


The Service / 服務內容

Streamline your gene insertion process with our complete gene synthesis service. No more tedious PCR and cloning from cDNA libraries or existing templates. Just provide us with your desired gene sequence, protein sequence, or NCBI information, and we’ll design optimized sequences tailored to your needs.

想要在特定質體中嵌入想表現的基因,不再需要從cDNA library 或者既有的DNA模板中反覆 PCR 和clone了!全基因合成從無到有,直接讓您獲得一個嵌入在完整質體中的DNA序列!


瀏覽我們的 FB / IG 參考各種成功與失敗的案例!

客製化蛋白質開發服務特色 custom protein service

Why Apical Lab / 服務特色

Our gene synthesis technology involves synthesizing target sequences as small oligo fragments before assembling them into larger fragments. This enables rapid and 100% accurate generation of the desired DNA sequence.

全基因合成技術是先將目標序列合成小片段 Oligo 後,再進行大片段的拼接。所以能快速而且100%序列正確的生成目標 DNA序列。

We can synthesize conventional sequences ranging from a few tens of base pairs to 1 megabase pair, as well as special structural sequences (Hairpin structure, GC-rich, Repeated sequence).

我們可以合成短至數十 bp、長至 1 Mbp的常規序列,或者特殊結構序列 (Hairpin structure、GC-rich、Repeated sequence) 。

Our technical team offers complimentary sequence optimization for enhancing the expression levels of your target protein across different host cells.


We offer a diverse range of almost a hundred vectors for you to choose from. No more need for manual subcloning!

我們有近百種載體可以讓您選擇。您不再需要自行 Sub-cloning!

Process / 服務流程

You can simply provide basic gene information or provide a detailed sequence, and indicate the desired vector to be used.


We will contact you to confirm service requirements and project specifications, and provide detailed pricing and delivery information.


We deliver plasmids containing synthesized genes with a yield of >5ug, accompanied by sequencing reports and a product documentation report.

我們提供 >5ug 含有合成基因的質體,並提供電子檔定序報告,以及產品報告書。

Apical Lab Gene Synthesis 頂尖生技全基因合成
Apical Lab Gene Synthesis 頂尖生技全基因合成

More than Gene Synthesis

Apical Lab provides comprehensive development services that include plasmid design and sequence optimization during gene synthesis, ensuring a smoother process for protein development and antibody production.

Apical Lab 提供全面性的開發服務,於基因合成時,便為您進行質體設計與序列優化,讓您在後續蛋白質開發與抗體生產時,更加的順利!

Frequently Asked Questions


Regular sequences within 1500bp can be completed within 20 working days.

1500bp 以內的普通序列,可以在 20 個工作日內可以完成。最急件可在 7 個工作日內完成。

Sequence optimization involves replacing the DNA sequence of a recombinant protein with commonly used codons in the host organism, as foreign codons may lead to insufficient protein expression. This optimization allows the recombinant DNA to express the protein more effectively in the host organism, thereby increasing production yield.


Gene synthesis offers several advantages over traditional PCR cloning. Synthesized genes are mutation-free and do not require a DNA template, thereby avoiding restrictions related to gene sources and restriction enzyme sites. Additionally, optimized sequences can significantly enhance protein expression levels.


By choosing Apical for gene synthesis, you can seamlessly proceed to our protein expression services or even advance to antibody development.

選擇在 Apical Lab 合成基因,可以以最優化的序列設計無縫接軌 Apical Lab 蛋白質表達服務,或進行一步完成抗體開發。

We regularly share case studies on Facebook and Instagram. Please refer to the following URLs:

我們不定期在 Facebook 與 Instagram 分享客戶案例,請參考以下連結:



Our Customers

At Apical Lab, we firmly believe that success stems from customer satisfaction.


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