Custom Antibody

Apical Lab, with over a decade in antibody research, integrates its expertise and AI for antigen analysis, emphasizing the inherent nature of antibody applications. This focus ensures tailored, optimized solutions with the highest success rates for each project.

專業從事抗體客製化服務,Apical Lab 以台灣本地的實驗室,結合自身的 know-how 以及最新的 AI 結構抗原分析,已協助眾多客戶成功完成各式樣抗體的客製化開發。我們由抗體的應用本質思考最優化的製程,為每個計畫建構成功率最高的解決方案!立即聯絡 Apical Lab,解決您所有客製化抗體的疑難雜症!

The Service / 服務內容

Explore our tailored antibody production services, including polyclonal antibodies from rabbits, monoclonal from mice, and recombinant antibody offerings. Our process, designed for your specific needs, includes animal selection, screening, antibody purification, and options for conjugation. To begin, simply provide the protein sequence, and our team will handle antigen design free of charge.

我們提供兔多株抗體、小鼠單株抗體以及重組抗體的客製化服務。您可以簡單提供欲辦視蛋白的序列(或各類型抗原),由我們技術團隊免費進行抗原設計 (Antigen Design),並進行重組蛋白質 (Recombinant Protein) 生產或者胜肽 (Peptide) 訂製完成抗原開發。我們將會依照您的需求建立最適合您的抗體開發專案,包含動物選擇 (選兔、選鼠)、應用篩選計畫 (Application Screening)、純化 (Purification)、以及包括偶聯 (Conjugation) 各類型酵素或螢光等服務,並於最短的交付日期內提供您滿意的產品。整體專案流程請參考文章「客製化抗體製備流程

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Antibody Service Process from Apical Lab

Why Apical Lab / 服務特色

At Apical Lab, our antibody development process is carried out in a reputable animal center in Taiwan, adhering to strict animal welfare regulations.

Apical Lab 抗體開發全程由位於台灣並符合動物規範的實驗動物中心執行。所有動物的照護由合法並具有執照的獸醫師進行。

Choose between rabbits or mice and evaluate serum, antibodies, and more throughout our transparent development process. Gain full control and maximize your involvement for optimal results.


Whether you require purified monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies, post-immunization sera or ascites fluid, hybridoma cell culture supernatant, or even antibody conjugation services, we offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

無論您的需求是純化後的單、多株抗體,或者僅需要免疫後的血清或腹水,亦或是融合瘤細胞株的培養液,甚至僅進行抗體標定 (antibody conjugation) 服務,我們都能提供滿足您需求的服務方案!

We provide both standard Titer Guarantee Program and Application Assurance Program. Our Application Assurance Program guarantees a refund if the desired application is not successful.


The person you will be discussing your requirements with is an expert with over ten years of experience in antibody development. You can confidently share your needs with us!


Process / 服務流程

Contact Apical Lab directly, and we will have our technical experts confirm your requirements with you.

請直接與 Apical Lab 聯絡,我們將請技術專員與您詳盡說明,確認需求,並為您建議最佳的客製化抗體方案。

Our technical experts will establish the scope of specifications and create a customized project plan for you.

Apical Lab 技術專員進行規格範疇的制定,交付產品可為免疫血清、純化抗體或者單株融合瘤細胞,為您打造專屬的專案計畫。

The project will be executed in stages, with Apical Lab reporting the results of each stage to the client. After client verification, the decision to proceed to the next stage will be confirmed.

專案分階段執行,各階段執行成果由 Apical Lab 回報與客戶,並進行細節討論,待客戶驗證後確認是否進行下一階段。

Apical Lab will deliver the complete results of the project to the client, accompanied by verification documents and a product datasheet.

Apical 將專案執行的成果完整交付客戶,並附上相關驗證文件與產品說明。

Antibody Service Process from Apical Lab
Custom Recombinant antibody Service

Apical Lab offers extensive custom recombinant antibody services, seamlessly shifting from rabbit polyclonal and mouse monoclonal systems to recombinant antibodies. Besides, using nanobody technology, Apical Lab leverages camelid and cartilaginous fish antibody libraries for the production of VHH or vNAR antibodies.

重組抗擁有更優越的批次品質穩定性,能快速量產,並易於進行基因工程改造和各類偶聯標定的特性。Apical Lab 提供全方位的客製化重組抗體服務,能夠從兔子的多株抗體和老鼠的單株抗體開發系統,無縫轉換為重組抗體。或透過 nanobody 開發平台,從駱駝科動物和軟骨魚類的抗體庫中篩選出 VHH 或 vNAR 抗體。

Apical Lab provides a comprehensive antibody conjugation service, encompassing the labeling of antibodies with various signaling entities including horseradish peroxidase (HRP), fluorescent compounds, biotin, and more.

Apical Lab 提供抗體標定服務 (Antibody Conjugation Service) ,包含在抗體上標記過氧物酶 (HRP)、螢光化合物、生物素 (Biotin) 等,以作為生物檢測、免疫染色等實驗中產生顏色或者發光信號的標誌。

Antibody Conjugation Service from Apical Lab

Frequently Asked Questions


Polyclonal antibody production takes approximately 4~6 months from antigen preparation to final purification. Monoclonal antibody production for individual applications typically requires 6~8 months.

由抗原製備完成起算,至完成抗體純化止,多株抗體約需要 4~6 個月的時間。單株抗體試個案應用約 6~8 個月。

Choosing between protein antigens and peptide antigens depends on research objectives and requirements. Protein antigens offer a protein’s structural and functional basis, providing more comprehensive immune system signals. Peptide antigens allow for the selection of peptide sequences that elicit better immune responses, making them suitable for targeting specific protein regions when designing antibodies.


Our program guarantees effective visualization with specified dilution factors at 1:4000 using Dot Blot. However, utility for specific applications depends on not only titer, but also specificity and binding sites of antibody.

如您以胜肽作為抗原,我們以Dot Blot 測試並保證血清/抗體力價 1:4000 稀釋後可有效辦視。然而我們需要強調的是,抗體實務上能否使用於指定的應用不僅取決於力價,專一性以及抗體辦視位點同樣扮演重要的角色。

Our program conducts customized testing at each stage of antibody development, including antigen design, animal immunization, and purification methods, to ensure compatibility with your specific application. The evaluation of program feasibility is conducted by the Apical Lab.

我們在抗體開發過程中,從抗原設計、動物免疫,到純化方式等各階段的條件測試都以您的應用為主,進行測試。這個方案會由 Apical Lab 技術團隊進行評估,確定可執行後,不成功免費。

We regularly share case studies on Facebook and Instagram. Please refer to the following URLs:

我們不定期在 Facebook 與 Instagram 分享客戶案例,請參考以下連結:


Our Customers

At Apical Lab, we firmly believe that success stems from customer satisfaction.


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