Contact Us
Reach out to us using the following methods. Alternatively, you can use the button at the bottom right to directly contact our live customer support.
歡迎利用以下方式隨時與我們聯繫。或者使用右下方的按鈕直接與線上真人客服聯絡!或者加我們的 LINE 隨時保持暢通的對話!
Contact us by phone, email, online form or click the blue “Ask us” button to chat with our live customer service.
我們僅用 LINE 來進行專案的討論,沒有廣告,也不會發早安圖 😂
Address / 地址
206A Center of Innovative Incubation (old), No. 101, Sec. 2, Guangfu Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan
Telephone / 電話
Email / 電子郵件
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