HPLC Analysis Service

Apical Lab offers High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Analysis Service to assist in the examination of various components, including protein purity, nucleic acid purity, caffeine, catechins, and other small molecule compounds, as well as metabolite analysis.

Apical Lab 提供高效能液相層析法分析服務 (HPLC Analysis Service),協助檢驗包含蛋白質純度、核酸純度、咖啡因、兒茶素等小分子化合物組成與代謝物分析。

The Service / 服務說明

Apical Lab provides comprehensive HPLC analysis services for simultaneous qualitative and quantitative analysis of multiple analytes. Our analysis process ensures high reproducibility, guaranteeing accurate and reliable results. From sample preparation to analysis and reporting, we offer a streamlined one-stop service.

Apical Lab提供全方位的HPLC分析服務,可同時對多種分析物進行定性與量化分析。我們的HPLC分析具有極高的靈敏度,檢測的濃度可達百萬分子一等級。此外,我們的分析過程具有相當高的再現性,確保檢驗結果的準確性和可靠性。無論是樣本製備、分析操作還是最終的分析報告,我們提供一站式的服務,以確保所有檢驗流程的順利進行。

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HPLC Analysis Service_Apical Lab

Why Apical Lab / 服務特色

Apical Lab has a team of experienced analysts who specialize in HPLC analysis. Their expertise ensures accurate identification and quantification of components in complex samples.

Apical Lab 在 HPLC 操作與分析上擁有相當豐富的經驗。我們能在複雜的樣本中準確地識別和定量各組成成分。

By availing themselves of Apical Lab’s HPLC analysis service, customers can avoid the substantial expenses associated with investing in HPLC equipment, maintenance, and personnel training, while still obtaining accurate and reliable results.

您不需要投入 HPLC 設備的購買、維護,以及人員的培訓,同時又能確保經由 Apical Lab HPLC 分析服務所獲得的數據是準確而可靠的。

Our skilled analysts develop customized HPLC methods for precise component analysis, meeting each customer’s unique requirements with efficiency and precision.


Apical Lab understands the importance of confidentiality in component analysis. We prioritize data security and ensure that customer information remains confidential throughout the entire analysis process.

Apical Lab 了解研究保密的重要性,客戶資訊無論在委託前後,都是絕對機密。

Apical Lab is dedicated to providing excellent customer support. Our team is readily available to answer inquiries, address concerns, and provide technical assistance, ensuring a smooth and satisfactory experience for customers utilizing our in-house HPLC analysis service.

Apical Lab 團隊提供各種技術支援,確保客戶在 HPLC 的分析問題上都能充份獲得解決。

Process / 服務流程

Contact Apical Lab directly, and we will have our technical experts confirm your requirements with you.

請直接與 Apical Lab 聯絡,我們將請技術專員與您確認需求。

Our technical experts will establish the scope of specifications and create a customized project plan for you.

Apical Lab 技術專員進行規格範疇的制定,為您打造專屬的專案計畫。

The project will be executed in stages, with Apical Lab reporting the results of each stage to the client. After client verification, the decision to proceed to the next stage will be confirmed.

專案分階段執行,各階段執行成果由 Apical Lab 回報與客戶,待客戶驗證後確認是否進行下一階段。

Apical Lab will deliver the complete results of the project to the client, accompanied by verification documents and a product datasheet.

Apical 將專案執行的成果完整交付客戶。

HPLC Analysis Service_Apical Lab
HPLC Analysis Service_Apical Lab

Quality Assurance

Apical Lab’s technicians embrace our steadfast commitment to a rigorous quality assurance policy, meticulously crafted to uphold unwavering standards of excellence in both product and service quality, thus epitomizing the pinnacle of customer satisfaction.

Apical Lab 的所有技術人員都遵循我們的品質保證政策,以確保產品與服務品質一致,並達到最佳的客戶滿意度。

Our Customers

At Apical Lab, we firmly believe that success stems from customer satisfaction.


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